Horticulture Division

Guadalupe County Master Gardeners (830-379-1972)................................................. Committee

The Horticulture booth will have many activities and resources for visitors.
  • Free Seeds, information and other resources
  • Master Gardeners on site to answer questions or provide resources
  • Raffle for many Gardening items to benefit GCMG educational activities.

Drawing on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 1:30 p.m. - Coliseum Stage
  • Children's Activities:
    • Thursday 5-8 p.m
    • Friday 11 a.m
    • Saturday 11 a.m.- 6 p.m
    • Sunday 11 a.m.-3 p.m

Displayed in the Coliseum – Judges to be announced
  1. All exhibits must be raised in Texas and grown by exhibitor in 2024 only.
  2. Exhibits will be accepted on Wednesday, Oct. 9th, from 2-7 p.m. and Thursday, Oct. 10, from 9-10 a.m.
  3. Each exhibit must be accompanied by a completed entry form. Forms will be available at checkin.
  4. Entries may be picked up on Sunday, Oct. 13, between 4 and 5:30 p.m. only. Any entry not picked up will be discarded.
  5. Youth Division: Youth exhibits will be judged and awarded under the same rules as the adult entries. Youth ages 17 years and younger are eligible for Youth Division.

Each exhibit will be judged by commercial standards for that item. Uniform size, color, maturity and overall quality are important in choosing your entry.
Large size or unusual shape do not represent quality produce and will therefore not meet the commercial standard used for judging.
All judges' decisions are final. Judging commences at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 10.

Each class in Youth and Adult Divisions will be judged and awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Standard blue, red and white ribbons will be awarded. Each Department in Youth and Adult Divisions will award a Grand Champion who will be awarded a Tri-Color Ribbon. The Horticulture Division will award one Overall Grand Champion and one Overall Reserve Grand Champion in both Adult and Youth Divisions. Overall Grand Champions are awarded a purple rosette. Reserve Grand Champions are awarded a Pink Rosette.

A complete list of our generous sponsors is available here:



  • A. Corn - 6 ears
    1. Field
    2. Sweet
    3. Popcorn
    4. Ornamental
    5. Shelled - 1 qt.
    6. Other
  • B. Grain Sorghum - Best
        6 heads or 1 qt. thrashed
    1. Milo
    2. Other
  • C. Small Grains - 1 qt. thrashed
    1. Oats
    2. Wheat
    3. Barley
    4. Other
  • D. Legume Seeds - 1 pt.
    1. Clover
    2. Vetch
    3. Other
  • E. Peanuts - 1 qt. or
        1 complete stalk
  • F. Cotton -
        10 bolls or complete stalk
  • G. Sunflower Seeds -
        1 head Sunflower Seeds
        1pt. bag
  • H. Pumpkin -
        1 (any variety)